Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Hey guys, due to the fact that a lot of us here can't make the deadline, the submission date has be extended to June 15th. For those who were on time, thank you! Feel free to make changes to your art if you wish.

EDIT: There is an extra extension. For those I invited who see this. Please do not mind the previous due dates. The work is to be done by July 6th!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


WIP I guess. I've always liked the Japanese maple leaves and the mountain scenery in Japan.
I think sideways single would be ok.


i super like how tight and cluttered buildings in some area of japan, and when it lights up at night its like a different world.
the final will be in b/w pencil with maybe little digital touch-ups if i want to emphasize the lights (...i hope doing b/w is okay). also not sure if it's good enough for 2 page spread, will see how it turns out. suggestions welcome~

Saturday, May 14, 2011


my wip is the crappiest thing ever lol.
anyways, I'm planning on doing a picture on my favorite holiday in Japan, tanabata :) the colors of the bg is slightly faded off or else the sketch would be hard to make out.
crits welcome.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello there.
I've finally come up with a WIP, so here it is. The guy's pose is bothering me, damn foreshortening...
Crits welcome

Thursday, May 5, 2011


This was just an idea that I carried out a little further than I wanted to; I really wanted to paint an onsen, but I'm having second thoughts now. This is a father bathing his son before going in the onsen? It needs a background but I will probably try out a bunch more compositions and ideas before settling. What are your thoughts on this one?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shrine concept/thumbnail

Hey everyone! Here's my concept thumbnail. Not sure if I want to do this as a landscape 8.5x11 or a two page. Thoughts?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

image format

Thank you for everyone who helped spread the word! We are really grateful.
Due to limited space, not everyone who submit a picture will be included, but we want you to know that we really appreciate your efforts to support the cause.

As an update: when you have completed your picture, please send it to in the specified size and in PNG format!
this has been updated in the About section as well.

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

public submissions

Hey guys, please help spread the word that we are now open to public submissions.

We need just a little more people! and I know that not that many people read my journal at dA.... and the artists I know are limited. So please! spread the word. We'll be picking out the good ones from what we get.

Friday, April 1, 2011


We have changed the dimensions to 8.25" x 10.75" to adapt to Ka-Blam sizes, which we found to be the best place to print at. Lulu was another choice, but they were a bit pricey. To people who are not procrastinators and have started their pictures already....we sincerely apologize!

Still a bit undecided about where to print, so we'll be keeping sizes at US Letter(most places seem to have that size to print at). Sorry for all this changing around.

ALSO: If you have any idea or concept in mind ready for your picture, please email us asap. This is not the WIP. This is so that in case there are repeated ideas, we can make adjustments early on! And let us know if you're planning on doing a 2 page spread!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

about the themes

Settled: theme #2 deleted
Hey guys, I'm starting to think we should leave the earthquake material out of the book. Granted, this is a project that was meant to raise funds for donation, but several people on deviantart and pixiv have expressed negative feelings toward earthquake art.

While I think the art for the earthquake is well intended, the criticizers do have a point. Some people will take it that the artists are simply using the earthquake as a means of inspiration. Seen from that perspective, I do agree that earthquake art may not be the best thing to post up right now.

So I'm wondering if we should remove theme #2, and have the artbook be just about what we love about japan? As in, let this artbook have no relevance to the earthquake in anyway (or any super happy/energetic looking things).

What do you think?

Name Suggestions?

Hi guys!

As you can see, the name of the blog is this very general "Japan Art Project". Right now, there hasn't been a name decided for it yet. Any name suggestions? The name that's used will also be the title of the charity art book.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Information for artists

We've decided on the dimensions being 8.5" x 11"

Please draw your illustrations in that size, 300 dpi (or more)

Your art can be about:

what you find most beautiful/love the most about japan(people, places, culture, scenery, holiday, etc, excluding anime/manga)

there will be a bleed on the sides for sure, so try not to put anything important on the edges.

Tentative deadline for submissions: June 1st
(if for any reason you cannot make the deadline, please send us an email ASAP! )
Please submit a work in progress of your work by May 15th(we want how you're doing, though it'd be nice to see WIP throughout as well. Feel free to post your progress on this blog, sketches, coloured, whatever  Let's make it a learning experience too!)

Please email us about the content you have planned for your picture, that way we can avoid repeats if it happens! A lot of us here are probably sakura lovers.
Also let us know if you're thinking about doing a 1-2pg spread.
