Sunday, May 15, 2011


WIP I guess. I've always liked the Japanese maple leaves and the mountain scenery in Japan.
I think sideways single would be ok.


i super like how tight and cluttered buildings in some area of japan, and when it lights up at night its like a different world.
the final will be in b/w pencil with maybe little digital touch-ups if i want to emphasize the lights (...i hope doing b/w is okay). also not sure if it's good enough for 2 page spread, will see how it turns out. suggestions welcome~

Saturday, May 14, 2011


my wip is the crappiest thing ever lol.
anyways, I'm planning on doing a picture on my favorite holiday in Japan, tanabata :) the colors of the bg is slightly faded off or else the sketch would be hard to make out.
crits welcome.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello there.
I've finally come up with a WIP, so here it is. The guy's pose is bothering me, damn foreshortening...
Crits welcome

Thursday, May 5, 2011


This was just an idea that I carried out a little further than I wanted to; I really wanted to paint an onsen, but I'm having second thoughts now. This is a father bathing his son before going in the onsen? It needs a background but I will probably try out a bunch more compositions and ideas before settling. What are your thoughts on this one?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shrine concept/thumbnail

Hey everyone! Here's my concept thumbnail. Not sure if I want to do this as a landscape 8.5x11 or a two page. Thoughts?